Xela Goldstein BFA Communication Design Thesis Spring 2016

is this love?

The love letter is a carefully constructed artifact that connects two people across vast distances. It is romantic not only in content, but also in concept; lovers separated by uncontrollable circumstances forced to correspond solely through the written word. Love letters are cherished. Tied in ribbon, stored in boxes, reread until the creases of the paper are worn thin. They are symbolic of something deep and true, and move far too slow for this digital age.

As technology has sped up our means of communication, we have experienced a foreshortening of acceptable response time. It’s no revelation that our attention spans have been shot, we need instant feedback. It can feel as if months have passed in the forty-five seconds you await a response to your chat. Maybe we have become less comfortable in our vulnerability, but we are no less capable of casting heartstrings.

Although intangible, and on the surface arguable less considered, digital correspondences are the same as carefully penned love letters. A conduit for two people who would rather be next to each other. An archive of love that sits in a folder on an email server instead of in a box at the back of a closet, accessible at anytime, able to transport you back to exact moment it was typed. The love letter hasn’t disappeared, will never disappear, it has simply shifted mediums to accommodate us as we continue to fall in love.

“Is this love?” is a multiscreen projection installation that drops viewers into a digital conversation between two people in love. It is an exercise in designing experience and evoking emotion using the tension between private and public, intimate and universal.

Aesthetically the project is rooted in internet vernacular to critique our use and perception of digital communication.

Hazel Miller BFA General Fine Arts Thesis Spring 2016

Molly Steadman BFA Printmaking Thesis Spring 2016

Kathryn Mcanalley BFA Animated Arts Thesis Spring 2016

Kai Jaye BFA General Fine Arts Thesis Spring 2016

Dillon Silva BFA Sculpture Thesis Spring 2016

Katherine Kawano BFA Painting + Drawing Thesis Spring 2016

Joseph Mcgehee BFA Painting + Drawing Thesis Spring 2016

Hannah Ames BFA Sculpture Thesis Spring 2016

Hannah Hertrich BFA General Fine Arts Thesis Spring 2016

Evan Humphreys BFA General Fine Arts Thesis Spring 2016

Arianna Gazca BFA Animated Arts Thesis Spring 2016

Xela Goldstein BFA Communication Design Thesis Spring 2016

Sammie Cetta BFA Printmaking Thesis Spring 2016

Jemmi Cole BFA Painting + Drawing Thesis Spring 2016

Mckenzie Green BFA Printmaking Thesis Spring 2016

Forrest Grenfell BFA Communication Design Thesis Spring 2016

Colin Laurel BFA Illustration Thesis Spring 2016

Kanani Miyamoto MFA Print Media Capstone 2016

Lynsey Nelson MFA Print Media Capstone 2016

Brandi Kruse MFA Print Media Capstone 2016

Eva Landis BFA Illustration Thesis Spring 2016

Karylynn Keppol BFA Illustration Thesis Spring 2016

Anna Colasanti BFA Illustration Thesis Spring 2016

Mareika Glenn BFA Illustration Thesis Spring 2016

Malcolm Bridwell BFA Illustration Thesis Spring 2016

Morgan Viger BFA Illustration Thesis Spring 2016

Marlowe Dobbe BFA Illustration Thesis Spring 2016

Robert Dunsmuir BFA Illustration Thesis Spring 2016

Kelsey Holland-Rayle BFA Illustration Thesis Spring 2016

Amy Meyer BFA Communication Design Thesis Spring 2016

Ryan Miller BFA Communication Design Thesis Spring 2016

Nancy Guzman BFA Animated Arts Thesis Spring 2016

Hannah Lewis-Lopes BFA Photography Thesis Spring 2016

Ryan Krueger BFA Photography Thesis Spring 2016

Maddie Maschger BFA Photography Thesis Spring 2016

Alexandra Hulsey Photography BFA Thesis Spring 2016

Matthew Gaston BFA Photography Thesis Spring 2016

Eric Brookens BFA Painting + Drawing Thesis Spring 2016