Selena Dugan-Fields BFA Thesis Spring 2013
This thesis is centered on the idea that visual imagery can cause a movement of people to take a stance on environmentalism. It is important for people to take action in order to aid in protecting our ever-changing environment. Drawing upon the history of nature based illustration and activism, I have created a series of posters representing the symbiotic relationships of native Oregon species. The purpose of these images is to advocate for endangered organisms and other threatened parts of the natural environment. In the artistic process, it is important to be mindful of the intent behind the work. Promoting awareness for environmental concerns on a global scale is necessary in order to create a better world for all beings to live in.
The purpose of this thesis work is to expand upon the environmental movement and promote awareness surrounding ecological concerns of endangered species of the Pacific Northwest. I am focusing on insects and their interdependent relationships with native Oregon plants. The hope is that in completing this work I can reach a broader audience of people interested in learning about biodiversity and sustainability. By reaching people on a grassroots level the hope is that we can change our ecological history, critically making changes in the environment, and creating a better livelihood for all living creatures on Earth, we can affect the ecological impact that humans have on the world.