William Talbot BFA Sculpture Thesis Spring 2014

Ceramics in the West: A Walkthrough the Technical Aspects of a Teapot & Two Eastern Teas

As a student of a “fine art” school, I have been indoctrinated to make art that serves the purpose of making one think and nothing more. If I use clay, it is no longer “fine art’ but has transformed into craft which somehow belittles the work that I have created. The discussions no longer encompass the utilitarian functional aspect of the work or about the design choices I created, but are derailed and are about my choice of craft in an art school. Why is it that craft is on a lower plane then “fine art?” Craft fulfills the obligations of “fine art” in the idea that it does make one think, it does make one feel and it allows for a utilitarian functionality to become present as well. A teapot is something that is laughed at in the art world, but what type of clay was used? Was there a meaning behind that clay? Was the artist trying to evoke a feeling of homeland by digging clay from their backyard? How does the teapot feel in ones hand? The tea that is drank is appreciated differently depending on the meaning of that pot and the tastes are altered by the glaze and clay used. These are all important aspects that a craftsman thinks about. These emotions, if done properly can be transmitted through touch of that object. As a “fine artist” that is moving in the direction of craft, I would like to combine the two, intertwining them as one entity, for they are the same and should be thought and appreciated at the same level. Hopefully through my pottery I can accomplish this task by creating works that are esthetically pleasing and have a deeper meaning then one usually thinks when looking at ceramics while have a utilitarian function still present. Ceramics is one of the oldest art forms we have and should be appreciated on a higher level by all then it currently is.

Justine Robinson BFA Communication Design Thesis Spring 2014

Natalie Zinovyev BFA Communication Design Thesis Spring 2014

Maryam Shari'ati BFA Illustration Thesis Spring 2014

Rhonda Vanover MFA LRVS Thesis 2014

Brian Hutsebout MFA Applied Craft + Design Practicum 2014

Caitlin Sweet MFA Applied Craft + Design Practicum 2014

Edward Key MFA Applied Craft + Design Practicum 2014

Joey Edwards ACD MFA Practicum 2014

Leah Brottman MFA Applied Craft + Design Practicum 2014

Willow Harmer ACD MFA Practicum 2014

Morgan Carver BFA Printmaking Thesis Spring 2014

2014 CT+CR Thesis Works

Skylar Jessen BFA Communication Design Thesis Spring 2014

Noell Olsen BFA Animated Arts Thesis Spring 2014

Mary Dahlke MFA Visual Studies Thesis 2014

Tabitha Nikolai MFA Visual Studies Thesis 2014

Amanda Zito BFA Illustration Thesis Spring 2014

Tara Morte BFA General Fine Arts Thesis Spring 2014

Mei-loong Ratz BFA Communication Design Thesis Spring 2014

Veronica Cordonnier BFA Communication Design Thesis Spring 2014

Ronnie Ritchie BFA Illustration Thesis Spring 2014

William Talbot BFA Sculpture Thesis Spring 2014

Justine Batten BFA Photography Thesis Spring 2014

Corey Koberna BFA Communication Design Thesis Spring 2014

Hailey Skye Dehler BFA Communication Design Thesis Spring 2014

Courtney Stephenson-Richman BFA General Fine Arts Thesis Spring 2014

Aimee Flom BFA Illustration Thesis Spring 2014

James Snowbarger BFA Communication Design Thesis Spring 2014

Jason Dallam BFA Communication Design Thesis Spring 2014

Sadie Soliman BFA General Fine Arts Thesis Spring 2014

Alexandra Dougherty BFA Painting Thesis Spring 2014

Barbara Kenmille BFA Thesis Spring 2014

Kendal Hockin BFA General Fine Arts Thesis Spring 2014

Emilie Skytta MFA Collaborative Design Practicum 2014

Peter Tichnell MFA Collaborative Design Practicum 2014

Jacob Richardson MFA Collaborative Design Practicum 2014

Lange Wei MFA Applied Craft + Design Practicum 2014

Meghan Chalmers-McDonald MFA Applied Craft + Design Practicum 2014

Stephanie Brachmann MFA Visual Studies Thesis 2014

Rachel Wolf MFA Visual Studies Thesis 2014

Richard York MFA Visual Studies Thesis 2014

Sarah Abbott MFA Visual Studies Thesis 2014

Jonathan Gann MFA Visual Studies Thesis 2014

Jessica Spiess MFA Visual Studies Thesis 2014

Thomas John Gamble MFA Visual Studies Thesis 2014

Mark Palmen MFA Visual Studies Thesis 2014

Lauren Seiffert MFA Visual Studies Thesis 2014

Michael Horwitz MFA Visual Studies Thesis 2014

Leif J. Lee MFA Visual Studies Thesis 2014

Jill Sattler MFA LRVS Thesis 2014

Jeanne Roderick MFA LRVS Thesis 2014

Carter Pierce BFA Illustration Thesis Spring 2014

Isabelle Harada BFA Animated Arts Thesis Spring 2014

Rachel Hagara BFA Illustration Thesis Spring 2014

Micah Weber BFA Animated Arts Thesis Spring 2014

Shiela Laufer BFA Printmaking Thesis Spring 2014

Brianna Miller BFA Communication Design Thesis Spring 2014

Hailey Rose Jones BFA Photography Thesis Spring 2014

Elizabeth Leon BFA Photography Thesis Spring 2014

Marissa Boone BFA Photography Thesis Spring 2014

Zoe Bullock BFA Video + Sound Thesis Spring 2014

Ximena Bedoya ACD MFA Practicum 2014

Stephanie Yu MFA Visual Studies Thesis 2014

John Dougherty MFA Visual Studies Thesis 2014

Anya Roberts-Toney MFA Visual Studies Thesis 2014

Mario Gallucci MFA Visual Studies Thesis 2014

Solita Harder-Montoya BFA Printmaking Thesis Spring 2014

Daniel Thompson BFA Communication Design Thesis Spring 2014

Bryan Walker BFA Illustration Thesis Spring 2014

Stephanie McCollough BFA Communication Design Thesis Spring 2014

Laura Steves BFA Illustration Thesis Spring 2014

Cecilia Hamlin BFA Printmaking Thesis Spring 2014

Stephanie Benhaim BFA Printmaking Thesis Spring 2014

Dawn Nielson BFA General Fine Arts Thesis Spring 2014

Sage Howard BFA Illustration Thesis Spring 2014

Kelsey Iredale BFA Painting Thesis Spring 2014

Alexandria Carmon BFA Illustration Thesis Spring 2014

Emily Wyant MFA Applied Craft + Design Practicum 2014

Alisha Sullivan MFA Applied Craft + Design Practicum 2014

Sarah Davis MFA Applied Craft + Design Practicum 2014