The credit card industry in America is a multi-billion dollar industry making its profit by offering large amounts of debt to the consumers. Consumers then have to repay what they owe with interest. Even though going into credit card debt is a personal choice, there are evident examples of the ways the credit card companies are enticing people into debt. In this paper I will expose manipulative practices of the credit card industry. I will also explain the response to these issues through an educational campaign I created (Off the Hook) to bring awareness about the manipulative practices of the credit card industry.
Debtman Walking. This humorous video illustrates the uncomfortable daily life with the credit card debt.
The website is a key component of the whole campaign. All of the materials refer back to it. The website is packed with really interesting sections and pages about the credit card industry: the truth, examples, tips, resources, etc.
This is a guerrilla marketing campaign. The card was designed to be lost on purpose. It can be placed on the table or on the floor where it can look forgotten or lost. A random person walking picks it up and finds information about "Off the Hook" campaign
This is a guerrilla marketing campaign. The card was designed to be lost on purpose. It can be placed on the table or on the floor where it can look forgotten or lost. A random person walking picks it up and finds information about "Off the Hook" campaign
Wristbands serve as a sign of reminder, support, and commitment. Through that, wristbands help to control the use of credit cards.
The three print ads were created as posters and can appear in newspapers, magazines, on the web, etc.
The three print ads were created as posters and can appear in newspapers, magazines, on the web, etc.
Before even kicking off the ground, "Off the Hook" campaign already attracted a lot of attention locally and abroad. In the near future "Off the Hook" will be marketed in Russia, Georgia and presented at the Financial Peace University.
"Off the Hook" Campaign Logo
The Truth section, in details, explains many manipulative practices of the credit card industry. This section is full of interesting statistics and articles about different abusive and manipulative ways credit card companies try to get consumers’ money.
Examples section is full with examples of actual manipulative advertising by credit card companies.
Tips section is where visitors can find advices on how to deal with debt, credit, and be more responsible credit card users.
Resources section is where visitors can find a lot of documentaries, books, and other links on the credit card industry.