Eric Lelack MFA Creative Writing Thesis 2021

Excerpts from the Sodality of Zohg

The story presented in the pages that follow are from a novel in progress titled
Reclamation. In the chapters that precede this section, the protagonists, Qwyn (a character of
elvish heritage) and Templeton (a character of dwarven heritage) had travelled to the city of
Dawn’s Crest to be present during the annual harvest festival. The two have been travelling
together for several years, moving from town to town and city to city gambling, thieving, and
selling their skills to create a living for themselves without having to conform to the demands of
society. Their partnership is an uneasy one as Templeton was coerced by Qwyn into joining him.
This has made Templeton wary of Qwyn’s motivations. Conversely, Templeton is being hunted
by an evil wizard and this partnership places Qwyn in potential conflict with the wizard.
Templeton has withheld this information.

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Eric Lelack MFA Creative Writing Thesis 2021