Ashley Innis BFA Photography Thesis Fall 2016

This project is a performance of one expression transcended from one material through others to form a hybrid final visual output. Beginning with a photograph from a polaroid camera I engage with the expression repeatedly to create other visual works in it’s likeness. These different materials morphed into mediums are placed together for the finished pieces to address contemplation and recognition of personal perception.

As a very process driven artist I speak extensively about the chosen materials and how my interactions with them are emotions that become actions recognized as feelings. The final pieces contain light as a medium in different ways and offer a middle ground between two visual expressions to participate in looking as an inquiry and engage in seeing as a projection of personal associations and connotations to form a relationship and therefore understanding of the visual piece.

The drive for the pieces is to encourage contemplation and therefore investigation leading to discovery about the artistic expressions in front of viewers leaving an impression of the looking and seeing processes to place into other aspects of the world around them.

Jack Graydon BFA General Fine Arts Thesis Fall 2016

Heather Dray BFA General Fine Art Thesis Fall 2016

Lauren Beck BFA General Fine Arts Thesis Fall 2016

Nicholas Pennell BFA Illustration Thesis Fall 2016

Jessica Mick BFA General Fine Arts Thesis Fall 2016

Nyssa Oru BFA Illustration Thesis Fall 2016

Beryl Allee BFA Animated Arts Thesis Fall 2016

Ashley Innis BFA Photography Thesis Fall 2016

Kalaija Mallery BFA Photography Thesis Fall 2016

Michael Ray BFA Video + Sound Thesis Fall 2016

C. Rory Homan BFA General Fine Arts Thesis Fall 2016

John Kirby BFA Painting & Drawing Thesis Fall 2016

Troy Mathews BFA Painting & Drawing Thesis Fall 2016

Madeline Black Communication Design BFA Thesis Portfolio Fall 2016

Joshua Bryant Painting & Drawing BFA Thesis Fall 2016

Davida Rae BFA Printmaking Thesis Fall 2016

Forrest Pass BFA Printmaking Thesis Fall 2016