Beryl Allee BFA Animated Arts Thesis Fall 2016
The deliverables for my thesis are components of the pre-production process for Wayward, a 2-D animated series. The series revolves around two characters who were raised in a sports store which was converted into a bomb shelter. The only world they know is a sports themed underground cult from which they are expelled in the opening scene. One character struggles with her dogmatism and the other with his apathy. In order to survive in this strange new world once they make it to the surface, they must mingle with the bizarre creatures and cultures inhabiting the surface world.
Enclosed in this packet are the materials for my proposal, my defense speech, images from my thesis process, a script, and links to video content I have produced thus far. This work is the beginning of a series projected for circulation on the web and in the film festival circuit. I will also be talking about the challenges of working on this project in light of acquiring a grant from the Princess Grace Foundation, and how this is contributing to my artistic career.