Jonathan Gregg BFA Illustration Thesis Fall 2013

Telepathic Dreams is a 12 page comic book featuring the science-fiction story of a telepathic alien named Everett, a bit of an outcast who is searching for a sense of belonging beyond his community of fellow telepaths. His search will take him deep into an ancient forest, where he’ll come face to face with creatures from a planet known as Earth – will they prove a boon or a detriment? Will they help Everett in his search for belonging, or will their motives prove less than
The primary theme in Everett’s story is the desire to belong, and elements of that struggle include family and community, social isolation, communication, and the odd things one might do in order to feel a sense of belonging. I’m exploring these themes and ideas in my project because the overall desire to belong seems to continually manifest within myself at each new turning point in myown life.

Clinton Chambers BFA Photography Thesis Fall 2013

Nicolo Gentile BFA General Fine Arts Thesis Fall 2013

Austin Turley BFA Sculpture Thesis Fall 2013

Courtney Coles BFA Photography Thesis Fall 2013

Matthew Seely BFA Illustration Thesis Fall 2013

Ashley Cluver BFA Sculpture Thesis Fall 2013

Catharine Hoch BFA Intermedia Thesis Fall 2013

Demian Diné Yazhi' BFA Intermedia Thesis Fall 2013

Cory Denmark BFA Illustration Thesis Fall 2013

Qathi Hart BFA Animated Arts Thesis Fall 2013

Tiara Johnson BFA Photography Thesis Fall 2013

Andrew Bardana BFA IllustrationThesis Fall 2013

Elizabeth Kerner BFA Illustration Thesis Fall 2013

Erin Fox BFA General Fine Arts Thesis Fall 2013

Hill Hudson BFA General Fine Arts Thesis Fall 2013

Gabi De Leon BFA Illustration Thesis Fall 2013

Elias Parise BFA Photography Thesis Fall 2013

Mikola Accuardi BFA Photography Thesis Fall 2013

Shannon Willis BFA Sculpture Thesis Fall 2013

Anna Lee Larimore BFA Thesis Fall 2013

Daniel Mackin BFA General Fine Arts Thesis Fall 2013

Johnny Ray Alt BFA Photography Thesis Fall 2013

Laurel Cook BFA General Fine Arts Thesis Fall 2013

Zack Dixon BFA Animated Art Thesis Fall 2013

Jeffrey Harris BFA Sculpture Thesis Fall 2013

Jonathan Gregg BFA Illustration Thesis Fall 2013

Erica Treadway BFA General Fine Arts Thesis Fall 2013

Madelyn Freeman BFA General Fine Arts Thesis Fall 2013

Erin Martinez BFA Printmaking Thesis Fall 2013

Andrea De Leon BFA Illustration Thesis Fall 2013

Erika Ross BFA Painting Thesis Fall 2013

Joe Noreen BFA Photography Thesis Fall 2013

Kris Clouse BFA General Fine Arts Thesis Fall 2013

Jiselle Crawford BFA General Fine Arts Thesis Fall 2013

Tori Meader BFA Illustration Thesis Fall 2013

Micah Fischer BFA Printmaking Thesis Fall 2013