Nicolas Filoseta Graphic Design Thesis Spring 2019

A River To You Away From Them

A River To You Away From Them is a series of prints and books about abstraction being metaphorical for different kinds of interaction (platonic, romantic, acquaintance, abrupt etc.) The work is not in a any means a critique on our idea of relationships, but more of a reflection within abstraction. Our experiences are determined by time and space and therefore nobodies interactions are the same. I create these ambiguous narratives as a way to showcase how ones own experiences can be interpreted through visual composition, and yet they are just shape, meaningless until given distinction. These works house my own experiences but are left neutral and hungry for the viewer to give strength and identity to their own reflections about how they think and react to the people who come in and out of their lives. I use optical lines to showcase our linear time moving forward despite breaking, time being punched out, or time healing wounds. The Color palette and writing are the there to help the viewer and myself navigate the work and becoming almost like a prompt, moving you forward and helping read between the lines. Humans are complicated, therefore I think the best way to talk about things is when they are down to their most natural and simplest forms.

Shea Ordahl Sculpture Thesis Spring 2019

Rebecca Giordano Printmaking Thesis Spring 2019

Savanh Koulavong Printmaking Thesis Spring 2019

Claire Gunville Printmaking Thesis Spring 2019

Sam Marks Printmaking Thesis Spring 2019

Mackenzie Cochran Animated Arts Thesis Spring 2019

Elizabeth Hull Animated Arts Thesis Spring 2019

Vanessa Sobottke Animated Arts Thesis Spring 2019

Emily Davis Animated Arts Thesis Spring 2019

Kiana Kinchelow Intermedia Thesis Spring 2019

Avery Bloch Intermedia Thesis Spring 2019

Sarah Bailey Intermedia Thesis Spring 2019

Caitlyn Clester Photography Thesis Spring 2019

Elena Wiedlin Video + Sound Thesis Spring 2019

Soren Iverson Illustration Thesis Spring 2019

Conor MacBride Illustration Thesis Spring 2019

Lucy Brown Illustration Thesis Spring 2019

Bird Schneider Illustration Thesis Spring 2019

James Alas Illustration Thesis Spring 2019

Kathryn Herndon Illustration Thesis Spring 2019

Mackenzie Chambers Illustration Thesis Spring 2019

Krista Guenther Illustration Thesis Spring 2019

Julianne Pugmire Illustration Thesis Spring 2019

Daniel Rafalski Illustration Thesis Spring 2019

Alexis Fenn Illustration Thesis Spring 2019

Hannah Nissen Illustration Thesis Spring 2019

Maria Rodriguez Illustration Thesis Spring 2019

Molly Price Illustration Thesis Spring 2019

Steven Xue Graphic Design Thesis Spring 2019

Parker Bowen Graphic Design Thesis Spring 2019

Marguerite Rischiotto Graphic Design Thesis Spring 2019

Keith Wallach Graphic Design Thesis Spring 2019

Yen Hoang Graphic Design Thesis Spring 2019

Jem Irving Graphic Design Thesis Spring 2019

Irene Ramirez Graphic Design Thesis Spring 2019

Stephanie Dickerson Graphic Design Thesis Spring 2019

Nicolas Filoseta Graphic Design Thesis Spring 2019

Sarah Saaristo Printmaking Thesis Spring 2019