Nikolai Serban Illustration Thesis Spring 2020

Schwules Museum

Schwules Museum is a graphic novel exploring the nuances of Gay Monumentalism, specifically exploring how the period of the Weimar Republic in Germany became a greenhouse for Queer Liberation, and howthe seeds of a sexual revolution were, not only borne there, but spread throughout the rest of the world. Told through the lense of personal narrative memoir, this graphic novel draws attention to the women and men who birthed out movement, and urges the modern queer community to remain united, forcasting an end to adversity if we learn from the heroes of our past. Far from being considered finished, Schwules Museum is intended to be fleshed out post graduation into a full fledged graphic novel exploring mutiple avenues of queer history in detail, as well as focusing in more depth on issues surrounding the birth of the Queer identity, Queer Liberation movements, and the interferance and backlash of the Nazis, and by the rest of the world.

Ryan Cade Photography Thesis Spring 2020

Jessica Mitchell Photography Thesis Spring 2020

Mikai Arion Intermedia Thesis Spring 2020

Jordan Brown Intermedia Thesis Spring 2020

Alejandra Arias Sevilla Intermedia Thesis Spring 2020

Talley Kitzman Homes Intermedia Thesis Spring 2020

Johanna Oppeck Intermedia Thesis Spring 2020

Nawryn Emerson Intermedia Thesis Spring 2020

Frankie Button Intermedia Thesis Spring 2020

Alexandria Vicari Intermedia Thesis Spring 2020

Trinity Wang Animated Arts Thesis Spring 2020

Kathryn Moseley Animated Arts Thesis Spring 2020

Emily Portinga Animated Arts Thesis Spring 2020

Mei Mei Leonard Animated Arts Thesis Spring 2020

Emmi Stonier Animated Arts Thesis Spring 2020

Maxwell Vaughan Animated Arts Thesis Spring 2020

Naveen Alkhatib Animated Arts Thesis Spring 2020

Jacob Goldstein Creative Writing Thesis Spring 2020

Andromyda Wagenman Painting Thesis Spring 2020

Danielle DeMuro Painting Thesis Spring 2020

Robyn Apley Printmaking Thesis Spring 2020

Sobe Silva Sculpture Thesis Spring 2020

Samuel Collins Sculpture Thesis Spring 2020

Bryna Butt Sculpture Thesis Spring 2020

Lauren Platzker Graphic Design Thesis Spring 2020

Mallary Wilson Graphic Design Thesis Spring 2020

Austin Meros Graphic Design Thesis Spring 2020

Melisa Vuong Illustration Thesis Spring 2020

Blake Tupman Illustration Thesis Spring 2020

Brian Wolfe Illustration Thesis Spring 2020

Cas Marotta Illustration Thesis Spring 2020

Kathryn York Illustration Thesis Spring 2020

Tali Munning Illustration Thesis Spring 2020

Bryan Vaughan Duke Illustration Thesis Spring 2020

Kara La Illustration Thesis Spring 2020

Justice Burnes Illustration Thesis Spring 2020

Nikolai Serban Illustration Thesis Spring 2020

Sasha Firpo Illustration Thesis Spring 2020

Lydia Mercer Illustration Thesis Spring 2020

Chris Sanchez Rojas Illustration Thesis Spring 2020

Paola De La Cruz Illustration Thesis Spring 2020

Cristal Tappan Photography Thesis Spring 2020

Kia Takamori-Tihada Photography Thesis Spring 2020

London Rilatos Photography Thesis Spring 2020