Taylor Evans Painting Thesis Portfolio Spring 2022
An Exploration of Synesthesia and Sound Visualization Through The Use of Non-Traditional Materials
I have placed one of these non-traditional materials on each seat. I invite you to see and feel some of the objects I have been working intimately with for the past 5 months. You are welcome to keep them. This body of work explores the ways in which I experience the colorful world of synesthesia. Synesthesia is a fancy word that describes when you experience one of your senses through the other. I experience a form of it that causes me to visualize sounds. During the COVID 19 pandemic I spent much more time listening to music than I have any other period in my life. This led me to experience synesthesia much more frequently. It began to serve as a coping mechanism for all of the chaos that was happening in the world. I felt that recreating my sound visualization experiences in my thesis project would offer me an outlet to better understand the way my mind processes auditory and visual information. I decided to create works that depict the 3 music genres that are most visually stimulating for me in terms of color; music of the string family, music with deep bass and high frequency electronic music. These pieces are accompanied by a playlist that contains some of my favorite examples of these genres.