
The book that ties these two places together is a field survey of the main retail and industrial streets that lists the use of each building in between them. It has poetry derived from objects or occurrences I encountered next to lists of business names. The book starts off describing the Pearl: Everywhere you look, there are signs that tell you things are not as they should be. Cross a bridge and thorns like rap rap are all you see. The barge that is in between steel and burnside is the DEQ starting work that has been in planning since the seventies. The stairs that look like they go to hell and when you go down it is. How was this shit even built so dense and so far but I feel like I can’t change a thing. Take me to the meadows.

The later half of the book describes the recreational corridor.

Artwork Info

Type of Work Book
Medium String Bound
Dimensions 3'' x 5''
Subject Matter Field Survey

Artist Info

Kamrin Matlock

Joined: August 5, 2016

Rights: All Rights Reserved

Appears In 1 Album

37 items

Kamrin Matlock BFA General Fine Arts Thesis Spring 2021