Kamrin Matlock BFA General Fine Arts Thesis Spring 2021

Where Naito Meets Front

My dream is to be ecological, in caring relationships with people and fauna rooted in medicine, trade, and generational making. I believe everybody has a vision of self-actualization and that autobiographical mapmaking will show people how private ownership of agriculture has created more distance between cities and rural towns in their attempt to acquire the largest vessels. My claim is that the space between growing and storing has been confined to support certain trades/ interactions and conditioned to eliminate any other chance at creating a subsistent and bountiful walk or drive. Therefore, the distance between cities and the country is lengthened for someone like me who wants to get out of the city and gather throughout a long ride where I could stop and rest along highways. Maps that create spaces to feel and study the trails and plants and guide where the people and animals gather can exist as gallery spaces in the lobbies of environmental conservancies that are spread across downtown wherein each wall disorients and grounds the viewer. All maps differ in how information is accessed. How can public maps be activated to help small businesses and how are personal maps going to influence city planning and leasing terms and mixed use definitions? Different iterations such as iconographies, taxonomies, zoning, ownership, ground plumes, watersheds, wildlife, recreational, business corridors, testimonies, ethnobotanies can be used in classrooms to show students the variety of different maps that create wonder and comfort in how we see ourselves connected. The goal is to create maps that will help us turn our social reproductive processes into maps themselves.

43 albums

Spring 2021