
What we are looking at is a site map, a taxonomy, and a map of influence. The site map on the bottom is looking from the river’s view of the conflated crown mills complex that extended far beyond the borders of this drawing. These are the last two buildings of the hundred year old mill and I firmly believe that they should be taken down carefully. If parts are sold through the Rebuilding Center and the walls rearranged from rubble into pillars then it is a direct investment because it supports a small business and through a city and RACC grant, artists and community can get paid to design the site.

To the left is where the Rebuilding Center de-nails their salvaged wood and where Converge 45 has thrown art shows.

The register above the site map is a first layer taxonomy of all the tools necessary to make the rest of the rest of the site multipurpose; (first layer taxonomy because it doesn’t show the layer of where the machines were made and by whom; it assumes using existing machines).

Above the taxonomy is the map of the influence that shows the closed factories where material can be salvaged, like the Ross Island dry mix concrete plant, Gordon’s furnace shop are shown.

Artwork Info

Type of Work Drawing
Medium Graphite
Dimensions 9'' x 10''
Subject Matter Site Evaluation

Artist Info

Kamrin Matlock

Joined: August 5, 2016

Rights: All Rights Reserved

Appears In 1 Album

37 items

Kamrin Matlock BFA General Fine Arts Thesis Spring 2021