Instructions are given to evoke action, some are to be taken lightly and some develop new avenues and procedures.The ambiguity of transformative objects leads to unpredictable results and interaction. Chain can constant and connect, its how you read the instruction. Slime is viscus and in between states, it is difficult to discern wether it is liquid or solid, just like an instruction. Batteries are also between states, they are transforming from being full to becoming empty, leaving a shell or a remanent. The fire extinguisher is for safety during your participation with the installation.

Materials Used: Over Head Projection, Computer, Extension Cords, Batteries, Fire Extinguisher, Slime Tubes, Plastic Chain, Hard Hat, Trikkboi Logo, Electrical Components, Speaker, A Borrowed Metal Structure.

Artwork Info

Type of Work Installation
Medium Mixed Media
Dimensions 20' x 20'

Artist Info

Michael Ray

Joined: June 14, 2010

Rights: All Rights Reserved

Appears In 1 Album

9 items

Michael Ray BFA Video + Sound Thesis Fall 2016