Michael Ray BFA Video + Sound Thesis Fall 2016


Imagine a node in the middle of a sheet of hypothetical graph paper; this particular node represents a methodology I call Critical Bending. Understanding how a mechanism such as Critical Bending functions, it is essential to first understand the core components that make this theoretical machine work. The first component in the parts list is a process called Circuit Bending, it is a chance-based operation that emphasizes spontaneity and randomness, utilizing the customizable capabilities of circuits within electronic devices. Circuit Bending usually involves adding components such as switches to alter the circuit, causing the device and its predetermined function to change or in other words mutate. Artist and musician Reed Ghazala is known for being the self-discovered author of circuit bending Ghazala’s methods are fluid when it comes to hacking electronics, similar to the aleatoric procedures of artist and composer John Cage, the possibility of the process is always determined by chance and inherently lacks a predetermined specificity of outcomes. Though the act of Circuit Bending is free of curricular bindings there are two key principles to keep in mind. …

19 albums

Fall 2016