
The embodiment of allure, Scorpio is enchanting to all; a body of refined tungsten fueled by illuminated liquid nitrogen. Should the scorpion feel dissatisfied, it will vent its tarsals and stingers, allowing this deadly substance to drip out and instantl

The embodiment of allure, Scorpio is enchanting to all; a body of refined tungsten fueled by illuminated liquid nitrogen. Should the scorpion feel dissatisfied, it will vent its tarsals and stingers, allowing this deadly substance to drip out and instantly freeze whatever it touches.

Artwork Info

Type of Work Illustration
Medium Digital Painting
Dimensions 17 x 22 in.

Artist Info

Tori Meader

BFA Student
Joined: August 8, 2009

Rights: All Rights Reserved

Appears In 1 Album

17 items

Tori Meader BFA Illustration Thesis Fall 2013