'Rivers, Streams and Telepathic Dreams' pg02

Jonathan Gregg’s Illustration BFA Thesis, FA2013. ‘Rivers, Streams and Telepathic Dreams’ A short comic book about a first encounter between an alien and human astronauts.

Jonathan Gregg’s Illustration BFA Thesis, FA2013.
‘Rivers, Streams and Telepathic Dreams’
A short comic book about a first encounter between an alien and human astronauts.

Artwork Info

Type of Work Comic Book (Sequential Art Illustrations)
Medium Graphite and ink on bristol board
Dimensions 11 x 14 in. / 11 p.
Subject Matter Alien Encounter

Artist Info

Jonathan Gregg

BFA Student
Joined: August 7, 2009

Rights: All Rights Reserved

Appears In 1 Album

11 items

Jonathan Gregg BFA Illustration Thesis Fall 2013