
The piece, Arachnophilia, is about a symbol of protection at a time when I needed something to focus on. This piece addresses the aftermath of early childhood trauma. It is about the childhood connection I found with spiders. I remember playing with spiders post-abuse as a way to fixate on something other than my feelings. The spider in my etching has a skull head which is symbolic for the death of innocence and the humanization of the spider as an entity. To this day, I do not kill spiders. I always save them, because in a way, they saved me.

Artwork Info

Type of Work Intaglio printmaking
Medium Copper etching
Dimensions 8 by 10 inches
Subject Matter spider, skull, innocence, childhood trauma, protection, mental illness

Artist Info

Nikole Hoberg

Joined: April 9, 2014

Rights: All Rights Reserved

Appears In 1 Album

54 items

Nikole Hoberg BFA Printmaking Thesis Spring 2018