A Different Kind of Murder

In the piece, A Different Kind of Murder, the repetition of the plate is symbolic of the repeated abuse and functions as a tally of how many times it happened. It also signifies the unspoken epidemic of childhood sexual abuse and how often it happens on a larger scale outside my own experience. It is an infinitely large issue which is why the prints fall off the edges of the paper. The ghost printing is used to show remanence of the experience. They are memories of the abuse that fluctuate in and out of focus. The empty space on the print creates a focal point out of the negative space. This empty space is meant to represent just that, an empty space. It is symbolic of a hole both physically and emotionally.

Artwork Info

Type of Work Intaglio printmaking
Medium Copper etching
Dimensions 22 by 30 inches
Subject Matter childhood trauma, sexual abuse, mental illness, memories

Artist Info

Nikole Hoberg

Joined: April 9, 2014

Rights: All Rights Reserved

Appears In 1 Album

54 items

Nikole Hoberg BFA Printmaking Thesis Spring 2018