
In the piece, Fixed, I am using the image of an Orbital clast, which was traditionally used for pre-frontal lobotomies, as a way to talk about the historical understanding and treatment of mental illness. This piece works on multiple levels because of the dual meaning connected to the word fixed. The word relates to the false belief that mentally ill patients were getting “fixed” by being lobotomized. It also relates to my OCD having a fixed focus on certain patterns, thoughts and actions. This piece is an acknowledgement of the past people who have suffered in the name of medical treatment or scientific advancement as well as current people who continue to suffer from mental illness.

Artwork Info

Type of Work Intaglio printmaking
Medium Copper etching
Dimensions 4 1/4 by 9 1/2 inches
Subject Matter Orbital clast, lobotomy, mental illness, fixation,

Artist Info

Nikole Hoberg

Joined: April 9, 2014

Rights: All Rights Reserved

Appears In 1 Album

54 items

Nikole Hoberg BFA Printmaking Thesis Spring 2018