once/again (installation view)

once/again (installation view of video projection), 2016, 18-second loop

Contemporary photographer Uta Barth tries to predict misreadings of her work and includes at least one piece in each exhibition that disrupts irrelevant patterns and misinterpretations. The inclusion of the projection once/again, was partially inspired by Barth. While this piece is still exploring architectural space, it is framed within a window of time as opposed to a literal window. The piece also offers the viewer more explicit ideas of expectation, change and time.
In the projection, once/again, formal and surprise elements to come together in the 18-second loop to emphasize collisions between stable and moving parts. The man interrupts the formal composition as he dashes across the frame (presumably running to catch his train), and disappears. He becomes the thing I could not have anticipated in this otherwise quiet train station. He breaks the presumed structure and the illusion of stasis. Placed near the doors of the gallery, this piece is meant to be an entry point for Present Continuous, linking all of these works to time, unexpected intersections and the beauty of disruption.

Artwork Info

Type of Work video
Medium projection on frosted Duralar
Dimensions 30in x 50in

Artist Info

Brandi Kruse

Joined: September 6, 2013

Rights: All Rights Reserved

Appears In 1 Album

12 items

Brandi Kruse MFA Print Media Capstone 2016