The Lifespark

The robotic overlords of the City of Four-BEE are able to swoop in whenever a citizen dies, and collect their soul (or consciousness, or Lifespark) and bring it safely to Limbo where the soul is allowed to design whatever kind of new body they wish for,

The robotic overlords of the City of Four-BEE are able to swoop in whenever a citizen dies, and collect their soul (or consciousness, or Lifespark) and bring it safely to Limbo where the soul is allowed to design whatever kind of new body they wish for,

Artwork Info

Type of Work digital painting, traditional linework
Medium ink lines
Dimensions 17 x 22 in.
Subject Matter robot, soul, concert poster, propaganda, scifi, science fiction, consciousness

Artist Info

Hannah Mclain-Jespersen

BFA Student
Joined: May 11, 2010

Rights: All Rights Reserved

Appears In 1 Album

9 items

Hannah McLain-Jesperson BFA Illustration Thesis Spring 2013