The Poet

After Ooma's pet dies, she decides to have a change of sex as well as body, and becomes a male for a time. She decides on an old fashioned, sort of romantic archetype of an artistic man from the past.

After Ooma’s pet dies, she decides to have a change of sex as well as body, and becomes a male for a time. She decides on an old fashioned, sort of romantic archetype of an artistic man from the past.

Artwork Info

Type of Work digital painting, traditional linework
Medium ink lines
Dimensions 17 x 22 in.
Subject Matter poet, sword, pretty boy, man, books, figure, gender

Artist Info

Hannah Mclain-Jespersen

BFA Student
Joined: May 11, 2010

Rights: All Rights Reserved

Appears In 1 Album

9 items

Hannah McLain-Jesperson BFA Illustration Thesis Spring 2013