Crumble (face detail)

Crumble wonders what it means to fit in, to belong, and to match. Will she ever and does she even want to? The thought of starting the day can be so overwhelming for Crumble that sometimes she just doesn’t. Afraid of what the world holds for her, Crumble stalls before she starts anything at all. At times, she feels cool because of her fancy socks, but lacks the self-confidence to fully embrace it. So she curls up in a safe place, out of reach, and waits. For what, she doesn’t know and doesn’t really care. The floor may be a dirty place to hide, but Crumble doesn’t want to be a bother.

Artwork Info

Type of Work Sculptural quilt
Medium cotton fabric, cotton embroidery floss, polyester thread, wool yarn, India ink, wool batting, cotton rug warp, concrete, jute, fiber reactive dye, and bleach
Dimensions Approximately 32 x 12 x 15 inches
Subject Matter Anxiety, tension, and unease addressed through monsters, humor, and comfort

Artist Info

Lauren Sinner

Joined: January 30, 2014

Rights: All Rights Reserved

Appears In 1 Album

27 items

Lauren Sinner MFA Applied Craft + Design Practicum 2016