Exquisite and Mess have been together forever. Their relationship is tremendously tumultuous, but they know that they cannot exist apart. Exquisite always takes, while Mess always gives. At times, this can be so very hard on Mess, but he knows that Exquisite is worth it. When Exquisite is hurt, Mess bandages her. When Exquisite feels down, Mess lifts her up. Exquisite wants to tell Mess how she truly feels, but buries her words deep, deep down. She is a control freak, who hates to share her feelings. Exquisite works hard to always present herself as put together and perfect, hiding all the chaos. Mess does anything and everything he can to support Exquisite. He is always holding onto to her for dear life, afraid that she will no longer need him one day.
Artwork Info |
Type of Work | Sculptural wall quilt |
Medium | linen fabric, cotton fabric, cotton embroidery floss, polyester thread, India ink, cotton rug warp, wool batting, polyester batting, cotton batting, birch beam, and briwax |
Dimensions | Approximately 90 x 75 x 2 inches |
Subject Matter | Anxiety, tension, and unease addressed through monsters, humor, and comfort |
Rights: All Rights Reserved
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