
The is work is a Jesus painting. This work was about my thoughts about Jesus and his last week of life and the moments that lead up to his death. Based heavily on my understanding of Mark’s account of Jesus’s journey to the cross. I used (JEAN Frederic BAZs-ELiE) Jean Frederic Bazille’s composition from his painting Reunion de Famille 1867.
Just like Frederic’s painting, all but one of the figures is directly looking at the viewer. That one figure in my work that is denying the viewer gaze is Jesus. He is depicted as being a black male figure that the viewer can only look upon. Each of the disciples with their own symbols gathered around Christ. All of the disciple’s eyes address the viewer with a gaze that for me can seem to cause a sense of unease and concern. As if I just walked in on a private moment.

Unlike Bazille’s painting which was set in Montpelier France this one depicts a beach scene that in my mind represents Miami. For me, Miami from my understanding in the art world is much like Jerusalem. Jerusalem being both a holy site and one of extreme vice during the days of Jesus as well as being a cultural epicenter. Miami in my mind function in a similar way today with its extremes of rich and poor, art enthusiast from all over the world are right now making their way to Miami to see what is most recent work in the art world at the Miami Basel.

Just like Fredric I have put my own likeness into the painting as one of Jesus’ disciples, who I feel like I most relate to. This work allowed me to explore a few thoughts and feelings about my own faith and what I understand about Jesus.

Artwork Info

Type of Work painting, drawing
Medium latex paint, welding crayon, on drop cloth
Dimensions 5' X 6'
Subject Matter figurative, Jesus painting, Jean Frederic Bazille

Artist Info

Troy Mathews

Joined: August 26, 2013

Rights: All Rights Reserved

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Troy Mathews BFA Painting & Drawing Thesis Fall 2016