Detail - Pygmalion

In my thesis work, I begin with form. I create utilitarian cups in the primal elemental shape of the vessel. I use the alchemy of the glaze, relying upon the secrets of color and fire. I apply the painting techniques wrested from recalcitrant clay, togeth

In my thesis work, I begin with form. I create utilitarian cups in the primal elemental shape of the vessel. I use the alchemy of the glaze, relying upon the secrets of color and fire. I apply the painting techniques wrested from recalcitrant clay, together seeking to express not merely an image, but a plane transitioning to space. A shape to experience with touch and sight, physical, vibrant and tactile.

Artwork Info

Type of Work Painting, Sculpture
Medium porcelain, glaze, oil paint, latex paint
Dimensions Modular, about 6 feet by 5 feet
Subject Matter non representational

Artist Info

Carlee Wolcott

BFA Student
Joined: February 15, 2012

Rights: All Rights Reserved

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Carlee Wolcott BFA Painting Thesis Fall 2014