Ebony bowl

Bob Stocksdale, Ebony Bowl, 1973; ebony

Gift of the Contemporary Crafts Gallery.

Artwork Info

Type of Work Bowl
Medium wood

Artist Info

Name Bob Stocksdale
Born January 1, 1913
Role Woodworking
Culture American
Education Self-taught in woodworking
Notes or Bio

Early 1930s Employed in cedar chest
factory, IN
Conscientious objector during World
War ii (operated wood shop at the
National Forest Headquarters)
1952–80s Led woodworking
demonstrations and seminars
1971 Instructor, San Francisco Community
College, CA
1978 Fellow, American Craft Council,
New York, NY
Self-employed woodworker, Berkeley, CA

Credits: Dan Kvitka

Rights: All Rights Reserved

Appears In 2 Albums

10 items

Bob Stocksdale

81 items

Works in Wood