
PNCA’s Feldman Gallery presents:

The daily grind of illustration.

Curated by Mack McFarland and Kurt Hollomon

The image and word have never had a more successful marriage then in the newspapers and magazines. They are both expected to do what the other cannot on its own. These expectations are high and the timelines short. Even before the onslaught of the 24-hour news cycle, artists slinging the ink of the brush have had to contend with claustrophobic deadlines and enigmatic editors. The resulting practice developed by these artists have become as ritualistic as one’s interactions with print media. Tear-Sheet brings to light the extensive process of contemporary newspaper and magazine illustrators. On display will be sketches with art director notes and coffee stains, next to finished and printed works. Artists include: Joe Ciardiello, Marcellus Hall, Philippe Lardy, Vivienne Flesher, and many others.

Rights: All Rights Reserved

Appears In 1 Album

11 items
