The Jang

Ooma is Jang, which means she's an immortal teenager tasked with having fun, running wild, taking drugs and partying. She's tired of it.

Ooma is Jang, which means she’s an immortal teenager tasked with having fun, running wild, taking drugs and partying. She’s tired of it.

Artwork Info

Type of Work digital painting, traditional linework, watercolor
Medium ink lines
Dimensions 17 x 22 in.
Subject Matter figure, hair, robotic birds, ink work, ink lines, watercolor, anime style, anime, manga, hybrid

Artist Info

Hannah Mclain-Jespersen

BFA Student
Joined: May 11, 2010

Rights: All Rights Reserved

Appears In 1 Album

9 items

Hannah McLain-Jesperson BFA Illustration Thesis Spring 2013