With my sculpture The Tree of Knowledge,we see a robotic tree growing from a cracked and blackened earth. Pink human brains dangle upside down from their stems, like ripe fruit gently swaying with the motion of the tree. The trunk of the the tree is a female humanoid figure. She is artificially intelligent caretaker, equipt with crook and shears, she is both shepard and arborist. Her role is the care and maintenance of the network of human consciousness that is her branches. She maintains balance within the system by clipping out the minds that are infirm or threaten the system. The fallen minds are left to decompose and provide sustenance for the system. This piece takes us to areas of of biological control. It examines themes of fitness and eugenics. This system has been put in place to decide and regulate who is fit enough to contribute to the hole. A formula determines whose biology is within the tolerances that are deemed acceptable for society.
Artwork Info |
Type of Work | Sculpture |
Medium | Found Object Assemblage, Cast Plastic, Wire, Cable, Wood, Foam, Polychrome. |
Dimensions | 25” X 40” X 30” |
Subject Matter | Figure |
Rights: All Rights Reserved
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