Diane de Ribaupierre MFA Applied Craft + Design Practicum 2017

Alone Together

We are living in a digitized time and have forgotten the power of creating with our hands. This project, Alone Together, emphasizes analog techniques and old-fashioned way of making. It connects two media, stop motion fabrication and analog photography: a miniature model colliding with black and white images. The scenes are taking place in an old style American diner, populated with animals from French fables. Focused on the details this small-scale world offers a new view on ordinary thing, shedding light on the importance of the handmade, taking time, sharing memories as well as community, neutral ground, and social life.

I learn through practicing, and think through making. The challenges I uncovered in this project guided me to acquire new skills in the art for stop motion fabrication and enlighten my personal evolution. Alone Together brings together my childhood and my adult life, my fears and my hopes and gives me a concrete way to express myself.

125 albums

MFA in Applied Craft + Design Thesis Works