Michelle Vorce Collaborative Design MFA Practicum 2017

present continuum

Humans have made hand-rendered marks throughout time. Marks hold stories of the past and act as reference points to the present. As mediums and technologies evolve, so do the methods and tools humans engage. Sequential action becomes consequence. Environments are manufactured. Experience extends into the beyond. This thesis, present continuum, reflects on how perceptions shift between the realms of the physical and the digital. The in-between reveals a space of blurred human – machine relationship and creates dialogue toward the imperfect. I have investigated these perception shifts through facilitation methodology and hands-on research. My process actively seeks to combine physical and digital elements to deepen understanding between output and possible implications placed through perception. Through combining various tools and mediums, I explore difference in output and ways we create experience. My installation work exhibited within the final MFA exhibition is evidenced discovery of such investigations.


42 albums

MFA in Collaborative Design and MA in Design Systems Thesis Works