Moayad Lingga MFA Applied Craft + Design Practicum 2016


Social architecture is the process of building a social connection, a bridge between individuals. This connection allows a group of people to engage in a dialogue of value, where each person freely shares knowledge, emotions, and resources with others. This exchange can be put to use to take an emotional venture to the next level, creating new types of bonding or relationships. The ideal outcome is the company gained for all individuals as a result of this connection.

In this practicum paper, I will discuss my personal journey from Saudi Arabia to the United States, my research on the historical and philosophical aspects of Arabic patterns, and the creation of Finjan, my collection of ceramic and wood objects that encourage a socially ritualistic type of experiences. The aesthetic and functionality of the Finjan cups, plate, and tray encourage the user to be mindful of their physical form, and social surroundings. Through actions of preparing, serving, and sharing a small quantity of beverages, users may start to build a connection with these objects and foster a more meaningful exchange of thoughts and emotions with other people.

The Finjan is inspired and characterized by Arabic patterns. These patterns were first seen in window screens at mosques in Morocco, where their absolute static function was to provide a sense of majestic comfort to the worshipers through their physical geometric beauty, organization, order, and repetition. The material choice of using ceramic and wood to make the full set of bespoke Finjan dishware came from experimenting with a number of materials to achieve the most practical use for each object.

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MFA in Applied Craft + Design Thesis Works