Tyler Peterson MFA Applied Craft + Design Practicum 2015

Traces: Translations of Self

Traces examines identity through the translation of my possessions into their fabric equivalents. These representations explore the liminal zone I occupy in contemporary society. In this paper I expand upon my research into identity, memory, material, and display and look at the artists, theories, and writings that have influenced the project. I explain the reasoning’s behind my choice of personal objects and through the use of textile materials and processes how I create the marks – traces – that represent the history and memories of the original. The techniques I use are time and labor intensive allowing me to meditate and think through many of the emotions and memories that are tied to the work. Traces is a multilayered installation both physically and conceptually that attempts to convey my hybrid identity. I seek to bring together these layers as a way to communicate who I am as a queer, moderate, quasi-religious, person of mixed racial descent. I use my work and the way in which I make my work as a way to define who I am. At its heart this project questions how self- and public-identity is created through the objects we are most attached to.

91 albums

Spring 2015

125 albums

MFA in Applied Craft + Design Thesis Works