Molly O'Leary BFA General Fine Arts Thesis Spring 2015

Using Books: Made by Readers

For my thesis studio project I created a limited-edition book titled Using Books. Using Books: Made by Readers is an artist book that explores the way that readers interact with books. Consisting of very little text, to make my book I recorded and re-contextualized marks such as underlines, signatures, dog-ears, stains, marginalia and other doodles from books by scanning them and then relocating them into a new book-form that shows the patterns individual readers make while using books. The intention of Using Books is to reveal patterns and trends in the way that readers interact with books and activate them. Employing fine art, traditional book formatting, and hand-crafted binding, my work seeks to toe the line between traditional forms and modern processes while addressing the dualities of the two that exist in the same book form. This is a project about ownership, dualities, expansions of form, and the physical component of reading.

91 albums

Spring 2015