The Exile

Ooma is exiled from her domed city for causing trouble, and she ends up creating a commune in the desert. She grows plants and reluctantly welcomes other defectors from the city.

Ooma is exiled from her domed city for causing trouble, and she ends up creating a commune in the desert. She grows plants and reluctantly welcomes other defectors from the city.

Artwork Info

Type of Work digital painting, traditional linework
Medium ink lines
Dimensions 17 x 22 in.
Subject Matter garden, exile, girl, spaceship, sandship, commune, desert

Artist Info

Hannah Mclain-Jespersen

BFA Student
Joined: May 11, 2010

Rights: All Rights Reserved

Appears In 1 Album

9 items

Hannah McLain-Jesperson BFA Illustration Thesis Spring 2013