Amanda Brennan-Melbostad ACD MFA Practicum Spring 2012

(A)Dressing individuality

These days, clothing is made and designed with little consideration for the individual; it’s all about a hypothetical customer. The wastefulness of the apparel industry is excessive and something needs to change. By researching the apparel industry with a critical eye, I hope to create new ways of designing and making clothing. Starting with my own experience in the apparel industry, my research delves into companies, both large and small, manufacturing apparel here in the United States. I use natural materials and ancient surface design techniques to create functional, custom clothing that accentuates both a person’s body and unique tastes. My process begins by using my own body measurements to test my theories of building unique traits into a garment, as well as being able to sculpt a garment to the body using the technique of laminate felting. By researching the couture process I was able to combine my passion for personal relationships with clients into my process. Through my research and exposure to artists like Natalie Chanin, Raleigh Denim, and Adam Arnold, I gained the confidence to state my focus on high‐quality hand craftsmanship. By creating custom garments I am capable of giving people what they really want in their clothing and therefore allowing them to be more confident in their daily lives.

99 albums

Spring 2012

125 albums

MFA in Applied Craft + Design Thesis Works