Object Focus: The Bowl

Robert Sperry, Bowl, early 1960s, Stoneware, 2 1/2" x 4 5/8" diameter Collection of Scott McCoy and Ron Werner
Photo: Micah Fischer, '13

Robert Sperry, Bowl, early 1960s, Stoneware, 2 1/2" x 4 5/8" diameter Collection of Scott McCoy and Ron Werner
Photo: Micah Fischer, '13

Do-Ho Suh, Untitled (glass bowl), 2004, Hand-blown glass, 6 1/2" x 9 1/2" diameter Courtesy of the Reed College Art Collection, Gift of the Peter Norton Family
Photo: Micah Fischer, '13

Ed and Mary Scheier, Bowl, early 1950s , Ceramic, 2 3/4" h x 10" diameter Collection of Scott McCoy and Ron Werner
Photo: Micah Fischer, '13

Nanni Valentini , Bowl mid-1950s, Ceramic, 5 1/2 x 10 inches diameter Collection of Whitney Lowe
Photo: Micah Fischer, '13

Marcel Wanders for Moooi, Foam Bowl, c. 2000s, porcelain-impregnated sponge , 2" h 7 7/8" diameter Collection of Dorothy Lemelson
Photo: Micah Fischer, '13

Unknown, Ramen Noodle bowl, 2012, Plastic, foil, noodles, fish flakes 3" h x 6 1/2" diameter Collection of Namita Wiggers
Photo: Micah Fischer, '13

Ed and Mary Scheier, Bowl, early 1950s , Ceramic, 2 3/4" h x 10" diameter Collection of Scott McCoy and Ron Werner
Photo: Micah Fischer, '13

Kay Sekimachi, Molded paper bowl, mid-1980s, Molded Japanese paper and cordage, 3 1/2" h x 7" diameter Collection of Jo Economaki
Photo: Micah Fischer, '13

Kay Sekimachi, Molded paper bowl, mid-1980s, Molded Japanese paper and cordage, 3 1/2" h x 7" diameter Collection of Jo Economaki
Photo: Micah Fischer, '13

Unknown, V?ng Tàu Shipwreck bowls, late 1600s, Porcelain washed stoneware, 2 3/4 x 6 1/4 inches diameter Collection of Jeffrey Thomas and Laura Cooper
Photo: Micah Fischer, '13

Unknown, Vung Tàu Shipwreck bowls, late 1600s, Porcelain washed stoneware, 2 3/4 x 6 1/4 inches diameter Collection of Jeffrey Thomas and Laura Cooper
Photo: Micah Fischer, '13

Alev Siesbye, Untitled (bowl), date unknown, Sterling silver, 3 1/4 x 8 1/16 inches diameter Alev Siesbye, Untitled (bowl), 1984 , Stoneware, 3 1/2 x 6 3/4 inches diameter Collection of Carol Haber and Seymour Haber
Photo: Micah Fischer, '13

Unknown, Native American mortar, unknown, Stone and concrete, 9" h x 11" diameter Courtesy of the Reed College Art Collection, Gift of the Estate of Katherine and David French
Photo: Micah Fischer, '13

Joe Pintz, Large serving bowl, 2012, Ceramic and brick clay, 4" h x 8 1/2" diameter Courtesy of the MoCC Gallery Store
Photo: Micah Fischer, '13

Edward Moulthrop, Untitled (bowl), date unknown, Figured Tulipwood, 5 3/4 x 7 inches diameter Collection of Carol Haber and Seymour Haber
Photo: Micah Fischer, '13

Edward Moulthrop, Untitled (bowl), date unknown, Figured Tulipwood, 5 3/4 x 7 inches diameter Collection of Carol Haber and Seymour Haber
Photo: Micah Fischer, '13

Unknown, Mush Bowl (Northwestern California Native American), date unknown, Woven & dyed fiber, twined with half-twist overlay for the design elements, 4 1/4 x 7 1/2 inches diameter Collection of Carol Haber and Seymour Haber
Photo: Micah Fischer, '13

Unknown Mush Bowl (Northwestern California Native American), date unknown, Woven & dyed fiber, twined with half-twist overlay for the design elements, 4 1/4 x 7 1/2 inches diameter Collection of Carol Haber and Seymour Haber
Photo: Micah Fischer, '13

Joe Pintz, Large serving bowl, 2012, Ceramic and brick clay, 4" h x 8 1/2" diameter Courtesy of the MoCC Gallery Store
Photo: Micah Fischer, '13

Jessica Jackson Hutchins, Insect Heart with Ladle, 2008, Glazed ceramic 13 x 12 inches diameter Courtesy of Miller Meigs Collection
Photo: Micah Fischer, '13

Steve Heinemann, Untitled (from the Residuum Series), c. 2012, Ceramic, multiple firings, 5 1/4"h x 8 3/8" w x 9 1/2" l Collection of Dorothy Lemelson
Photo: Micah Fischer, '13

Steve Heinemann, Untitled (from the Residuum Series), c. 2012, Ceramic, multiple firings, 5 1/4"h x 8 3/8" w x 9 1/2" l Collection of Dorothy Lemelson
Photo: Micah Fischer, '13

Steve Heinemann, Untitled (from the Residuum Series), c. 2012, Ceramic, multiple firings, 5 1/4"h x 8 3/8" w x 9 1/2" l Collection of Dorothy Lemelson
Photo: Micah Fischer, '13

Jessica Jackson Hutchins, Insect Heart with Ladle, 2008, Glazed ceramic, 13 x 12 inches diameter Courtesy of Miller Meigs Collection
Photo: Micah Fischer, '13

Jessica Jackson Hutchins, Insect Heart with Ladle, 2008, Glazed ceramic, 13 x 12 inches diameter Courtesy of Miller Meigs Collection
Photo: Micah Fischer, '13

(left) Unknown, Small Silver Bowl, date unknown, Brushed metal, 2 3/4" h x 5 1/8" diameter Collection of Dorothy Lemelson (right) Unknown, Lacquer bowl, date unknown, Lacquered wood, 2 3/4 x 4 1/2 inches diameter Collection of Carol Haber and Seymour
Photo: Micah Fischer, '13

(left) Unknown, Small Silver Bowl, date unknown, Brushed metal, 2 3/4" h x 5 1/8" diameter Collection of Dorothy Lemelson (right) Unknown, Lacquer bowl, date unknown, Lacquered wood, 2 3/4 x 4 1/2 inches diameter Collection of Carol Haber and Seymour
Photo: Micah Fischer, '13

Daniel Duford, Viable Seed, 2006, Glazed Terra Cotta, 3 1/4 x 9 3/4 inches diameter Courtesy of the PNCA Feldman Gallery
Photo: Micah Fischer, '13

Daniel Duford, Viable Seed, 2006, Glazed Terra Cotta, 3 1/4 x 9 3/4 inches diameter Courtesy of the PNCA Feldman Gallery
Photo: Micah Fischer, '13

John Baldessari, Repository, edition of 8 , 2002, Ceramic, 16 x 12 inches diameter Collection of Jordan D. Schnitzer
Photo: Micah Fischer, '13

John Baldessari, Repository, edition of 8 , 2002, Ceramic, 16 x 12 inches diameter Collection of Jordan D. Schnitzer
Photo: Micah Fischer, '13

Arno Lehmann, Sculptural Bowl, 1951, Ceramic, 5 x 10 inches diameter Collection of Whitney Lowe
Photo: Micah Fischer, '13

Alleghany Meadows, Untitled (bowl), date unknown, Ceramic, 5 x 12 inches diameter Collection of Garth Johnson
Photo: Micah Fischer, '13