Jody Dunphy ACD MFA Practicum Spring 2012

Second nature

The Second Nature Project: Sowing Ideas and Seeds through Object and Action

The intention of this writing and the Second Nature project is to increase propinquity between nature and culture by inciting the process of anthropochory through object and action. The objects take on the form of adornment that function to carry seeds and are worn during dispersal happenings set in public spaces chosen to reach a cross section of the public in a democratic way. The research includes an analysis of artists and designers who employ the materials of plants and/or seeds including artists from the Earth Art movement, contemporary social practice-based artists, designers and craft-based makers. The theory of jewelry and how it relates to the work is also explored.

The research examines biologically ingrained phenomenon that contribute to the human proclivity toward nature. The rational, process and development of the Second Nature project is addressed, and its first projects are analyzed largely through empirical evidence supported by lively photographic documentation. The evidence thus far supports that idea that Second Nature is successful in sowing ideas but could benefit from more time and research in the form of additional seed dispersal happenings. While the project is still in its infancy, it appears as if the structure around which the project is built (people, plants, place) is both strong and adaptable and has proved to be exciting and thought provoking for myself, the originator, and the participants alike.

99 albums

Spring 2012

125 albums

MFA in Applied Craft + Design Thesis Works