Kathryn Bradshaw ACD MFA Practicum Spring 2012

KMB-33: From Objectivity

I have long felt apart from others and not truly rooted in my body or the physical world. By employing a set of rules and restrictions surrounding my material choices and process, I have developed a system to create objects and explore my feeling of insubstantiality. Beginning with a series of objective measurements taken from my body, which provided a foundation that is factual and quantitative, I have created sculptural representations of myself that convey my bodyʼs physicality. Beyond this, these calculated forms can also transmit an emotion or feeling, and serve as an interface to relate to others. These abstract self- representations have allowed me a means of looking at myself from a place of objectivity. That objectivity has permitted me a degree of personal removal, and allowed an insight into a person I was too close to to properly analyze: Myself.

99 albums

Spring 2012

125 albums

MFA in Applied Craft + Design Thesis Works