Ali Gradischer ACD MFA Practicum Spring 2011

Held In Common

My practicum, Held in Common, assembles a method of interior design that shows care for abandoned items through a process that examines object relationships within ordinary environments. My labor is the result of a direct response to generic, schematic, and two-dimensional traditions outlined in the business of interior design. This project breaks down into four main categories that make up a larger method to rethinking commonplace objects. These include: collection, documentation, repair, and re-presentation. I am taking responsibility for a sampling of objects that I have collected from free sources and exploring their potential for a new life. The mission behind Held in Common is to establish the start of my creative practice and to explore different methods of making. Through active hands-on engagement, my work is seeking to correct what I did not learn in my previous design education. Held in Common is also a call to action for us to observe that what we have is already inherently good enough. Through the care of these items I am seeking a personal solution to interior design by embracing the rejection of commercially packaged style, appearance, and taste in an effort to discover something real, genuine, and truthful about abandoned objects.

92 albums

Spring 2011

125 albums

MFA in Applied Craft + Design Thesis Works