Nicole Marie Cuvin BFA Thesis Spring 2011

Beast in the Mirror

I decided to focus on body image for my thesis. I created twelve illustrations with the content being women worrying over flaws and how those flaws change the way these women perceive themselves. The illustrations are made to be faux reflections. One set of reflections is made to be more realistic; the other set contains these human forms changed to show how the flaws consume their perceptions. For the warped reflections, the flaws are presented in a metaphorical light using animal imagery.
I view this artwork as a way of coping with bad body image. Because of that, I decided to let my research go into how we determine what is ugly and what is pretty. I go through evolutionary psychology and how humans have instinctual aesthetic preferences. I look at the human desire to show others that we are good survivors. I also examined how we interact with media imagery and how group think affects our decisions.

92 albums

Spring 2011