
Beyond the Box A panel discussion held in conjunction with Boundary Crossings: An Institute in Contemporary Animated Arts. Moderated by Irene Kotlarz, founding director of Platform International Animation Festival, featuring animation artists from a ra

Boundary Crossings: Animation has long existed outside the codes and conventions of the studio cartoon, traversing the terrain of space, time, and form. This two-week innovative institute explores the emerging field of animated arts through a combination of theory and practice sessions, lectures, and screenings. With the advent of digital technologies, the appearance of hybrid moving images has emerged as the norm, affecting boundaries between live action, animation, image processing, and compositing as porous as the platforms of display that host them. Through re-defining animation and the manipulated image, animated art forms are being pushed beyond the movies to permeate our cultural landscape.

Rose Bond, Suzanne Buchan,
Paul Vester, Paul Wells

Artwork Info

Movement Contemporary
Subject Matter Art Work

Rights: All Rights Reserved

Appears In 1 Album

29 items

Boundary Crossings 2009