Sam Orosz MFA Print Media Thesis 2024

I don’t consider myself a researcher or a scientist, I am a curious person fascinated by the
world I live in. I am a person who wanders into the woods as far as my legs will take me to stand
and stare out at what is there. I am an artist and a printmaker who through my marks and
materials, consider who I am in space and where I fit. Through my work I open doors to
questions I feel I may never find the answers to, but through this journey I feel I might at least
get a few steps closer to what those might be.

Reflections of Space: A Changing Landscape is an artistic exploration of landscape and
our human relationship with the natural world. It is a body of work that scratches the surface of
the complexities of nature and how we are inspired by, connect with, and learn from the wild
places that surround us. It is also an interpersonal exploration of who I am and how experiences
can influence what is focused on in a landscape created.

For me, this writing is a tool to better understand the thoughts, ideas, and concepts that
float around my head while creating the work I make. They are complicated spaces that hold
more than I originally believed. Through the research I’ve pondered my own personal
relationship with the lands around me and have begun exploring the idea of what a landscape is
and what it means. This work explores how our experiences affect the way we perceive spaces
and how the world around us is always evolving and changing. I think about environmental
concerns, the concept of internal spaces and perspective, history, and the passage of time, and
how all of these ideas can be connected and experienced through landscapes.

37 albums

MFA in Print Media Thesis Works