Freyja Kohler MFA Print Media Thesis 2024

Dwelling with Grief explores the realms of intimacy, softness, and meditation as a
means of traversing memory and loss, particularly in the wake of my father’s passing.
Each page of this journal-like collection is a stitched collage, embodying emotions and
memories. Selected materials and fibers hold sensory significance, guiding
introspection and meditation on time’s passage and personal sentiments.

Constructing these collages unveiled parallels in the grief process—a journey of
unexpected resurgence and evolving emotions. Initially, sharp feelings of anger and
disruption dominated, gradually yielding to a tender, more intimate engagement with
loss. The absence of my father casts a new light on our relationship, infusing sweetness
into reminiscence.

Through this creative endeavor, I not only share my journey but also find solace
and connection with others on similar paths. What began as solitary reflection has
morphed into a communal experience, enriching our collective empathy and
understanding. This work beckons us to ponder: What revelations await when we
embrace grief’s full spectrum?

37 albums

MFA in Print Media Thesis Works