on the line, online, inline, in between the lines, and offline

clothesline, various bleached shirts from Cambodian American brands (Khmer Ninjas, Middle Child Workshop, Kat Eng, Yeak, Inc., Red Scarf Revolution), wooden clothespins, hooks

Artwork Info

Type of Work installation
Medium clothesline, various bleached shirts from Cambodian American brands (Khmer Ninjas, Middle Child Workshop, Kat Eng, Yeak, Inc., Red Scarf Revolution), wooden clothespins, hooks
Dimensions Dimensions Variable
Subject Matter autoethnographic neomaterialism

Artist Info

Joe B Keo

Joined: December 9, 2015

Rights: All Rights Reserved

Appears In 1 Album

25 items

Joe B. Keo MFA Visual Studies Low Residency Thesis 2023