Caitlyn Taber MFA Applied Craft + Design Thesis 2023

C.U.B.E. is a game designed to have the rules constantly changing. This challenges players to adapt their methods of play and at times work together to move forward. Through collaboration, conversation, and creativity, players can experience an unorthodox game together. The goal is not to win nor to give up, but to move through the uncertainty, confront expectations of rules, and face the challenge of finding agency when presented with unknown and shifting rules. In a broader context, this work explores an alternative to digital screen time that now occupies so much of our days and considers the effects that a surplus of information at our disposal has had on our decision-making and ability to adapt. Inspired by the objects and words of Cas Holman, Mark Andrejevic, and other game designers and technology theorists, my work to this point has sought to prompt engagement, provide opportunities for enjoyment, and facilitate curiosity.
Are you ready to play a game with changing rules and increasing complexity?

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MFA in Applied Craft + Design Thesis Works