Will Mairs MFA Print Media Thesis 2023

Just, like, reading things is sorta hard, and weird, and uncertain to begin with, prone to painful things like stupid and useless and literally tragic misunderstanding, misreadings, that, like, on what level exactly can we really always assign blame? And even though for the most part we’re, like, weirdly super good at reading unclear things, our genius for ambiguity and all (which is maybe the funny and lovely thing to sit with, that we have things that mean other things) it’s painful sometimes even to begin with, to read and be read, and weird and hard with words. We understand things like photography and other image-y kinds of visual experiences in this same sort of way too, reading, and things like names and bodies are all to easily tragically misread, we often see something we’re used to seeing instead of the thing that’s actually in front of us, and basically we can consider gender and other such expressions like this also, and truly sometimes all of it is more or less unbearably painful, especially if you happen to have a subject position inside of something that, like, does indeed seem to be basically unreadable to many people, dwelling inside of this pointless isolation and feeling of being unheard and unseen that, like, doesn’t even really often seem to have been intended in any significant kind of way, and this too becomes a part of the pain.
Anyhow, the bit is then to create deliberate unreadabilities, which is what I’m trying to do with these squares.

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MFA in Print Media Thesis Works